Meaningless Random Thoughts

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

I HATE Physical Science

Physical science sucks, not the field but the class. I am so sick of this class I could scream. Here I am almost 30 trying to learn about nuclear fission and stuff like newtons of power, graviatational pull of the moon, blah blah blah. I could give three craps about this stuff. It woudl be interesting if it wasn't so danged technical. It's way over my head, all these crappy formulas and crap I will never use. And yes, my word of the day is crap.

i should be doing my science now but I JUST DON'T WANT TOOOO! Yes, Ifeel like a whiny baby right now.

So what else is new?

I will blog more later. Maybe I will work on research design class instead, at least that is interesting.

GRRRRR, only five more months of this CRAP!


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