Meaningless Random Thoughts

Monday, January 03, 2005

Woo Hoo its 2005, HAPPY NEW YEAR

So okay, here's hoping it's going to be the best year ever. My life finally feels like it is "normalizing". I'm pretty happy and settled for the first time in a long time. Last year I got married and bought a new home. I feel like such a grownup now. This year I will hit the big 30! UGH. It's seven months away so I'm not freaking out yet, but who knows how I will feel come July. My kids are doing good and my daughter finally feels like part of the family. I have one little secret that's KILLING me, but I can't post it for fear someone I know may really see it. Sorry! If the time comes when/if I can tell it, you better believe that I will!

Hmmm....let's see, what else is up. I will be done with my bachelor's degree this year! Woo hoo! Only 5 more classes to take and I will be a college graduate (again!) Hopefully I can kick start this career thing into high gear and start making some real $$$$ !!.

On the friendship level things are good except with my one best friend of 20 years who really hurt me last year. I can't decide if I should let her back into my life or not. I care about her but she gets on my every last nerve. She's very selfish, needy and whiny. I've heard some of the things she has said about me behind my back and it's hurt me deeply. I know she never meant for me to hear those things and if she knew I knew she'd be very truly sorry she said them. But that doesn't change the fact that she did say them! I dont' know. If we are meant to be friends again we will be. I guess I'll just let the drama play itself out for now. Okay, I have rambled much for today so I will get back to work!

See ya!


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